I’ve been a VERY bad blogger lately!
I haven’t posted in at least a week! Goodness!
I attribute it to…….
Wait just a minute….I’m trying to think of a valid reason……thinking, thinking…….
Pure, unadulterated…..laziness.
I didn’t FEEL like editing pictures.
I didn’t FEEL like taking new pictures.
I didn’t FEEL like working on a piece of furniture.
I did create a flyer to send to the people who signed up for my first Milk Paint Classes, attend my grandson’s birthday party, begin preparations for a Mother/Daughter Tea I am helping with, attend a Women’s Retreat with my church ladies, make dinner 6 nights in a row, stock the shop with the new Powder River Paint line, answer LOTS of emails and numerous other things.
But I didn’t blog……
However…in my attempt to act like other bloggers, I documented one of my cleaning projects just before Easter as it was happening!
I even, in a fit of….
“I’m going to write posts ahead of time and schedule them so I can sip wine and paint my toenails calmly all the while knowing that my blog post is being activated due to the magic of computers”
…edited those pictures. Were it not for that….I’d still be drinking coffee and reading YOUR blog.
Using Chandelier Spray to Clean Other Stuff
That was my original title until I read last night that my title should be something that will show up in Google search…NOT something cute and interesting.
I am a shameless slave to blogger advice……sigh…
So, I bought this……I don’t know…..maybe 6 months ago? A year? Who knows. I was always too lazy to get out a drop cloth to cover my whole dining room table so I could spray this all over my chandelier.
But, the week before Easter, I decided that I needed to paint the kitchen. I had STARTED painting the kitchen mind you….several weeks before…or maybe a month before…I can’t remember. Suffice it to say, the kitchen was part greenish blue delicate aqua and white.
One thing led to another….the basis for ALL my completed projects, and I gave a fresh coat to all the white cabinets, cleaned the stove, and decided (while I was on the ladder and in close proximity) that the pot rack needed a cleaning.
It’s BIG….really BIG. And, it has a rough, wrought iron-like finish. Oh, I give it a spray with and wipe it with paper towels or a rag now and then to keep the major cobwebs at bay, but the rough finish makes it a pain in the patootie to clean…..sigh….
There was lots of dust which always has a stickiness to it because it’s in the kitchen I suppose….I rarely fry anything but it seems different than the general dust on the rest of my house…full disclosure here….
I took everything off the rack…including Christmas greenery. Now, a point to ponder. WHY does all the fresh greenery I put EVERYWHERE else die and fall off EXCEPT the greenery on the pot rack? It’s a mystery that will never be solved.
See the icky dust?
I took all the baskets to the sink and gave them a nice sudsy wash….it’s good for wicker to get nice and wet occasionally.
I started spraying the rack pretty heavily…you want the stuff to run off and drip……
You can see some of the residue on the cloth……although this is mainly a shot of the evergreen for some unexplained reason. I’m sure, at the time, I thought this was SO funny….Christmas greenery at Easter. Hardee-har-har….
You should have seen the amazing switcheroo I did in a frantic effort to catch these drips…spray…camera….spray…camera…
The goo just dripped off! It was JUST GREAT!!
I put everything back and it was all nice and clean…..a wonderful feeling…seriously…..I DO love my house all clean.
You can see I use some of my old windows flat on the rack so I can stack things up there.
I took this but it might make you feel nauseated…..so whiz on by if you need to….
In the background you can look down the back hallway towards the dining room…..I’ve never shown you the back hall because it’s so dark and my photography skills just aren’t good enough….but it’s there…
I gave some thought to doing the dining room chandelier but I was too lazy to move the drop cloth to the dining room table…….sometimes my laziness even shocks ME! sheesh…
It might have been a good thing because during Easter dinner I noticed a long cobweb on the chandelier but good food, sparkling conversation and alcohol kept people from looking up…..
So….if you’ve never tried this stuff….I recommend it….I’m trying it on the fan blades next. We live in the South and there are ceiling fans all over the place…which happen to be quite dirty right now….
I have NO idea where I bought this but I imagine it wasn’t anywhere unusual….I never go anywhere unusual….
If another holiday comes up I’ll let you know how it works on an actual chandelier….if I’m not too tired, that is.
Thanks for being faithful and following me over to WP…
even though I suspect my continued no-reply status is another mystery….
like Christmas greenery.
Love your pot rack, it’s so unique! I HAVE to try this spray. I have several chandeliers throughout that house and the worst part is getting around to cleaning them!!
Jillian recently posted…Easy as 1…2…3!
I find your writing extremely humorous! I don’t have crystal chandelier to worry about but I do have an iron one that is fortunately in the foyer, which means no sticky goop but dry dust on it. Yep, I need this product or something like it to clean the tops of my cabinets which have sticky dust.
You’re a hoot Lorraine! I’ve seen this cleaner somewhere sometime in my life but have not used it. It certainly did a great job on your gorgeous pot rack. You’re not lazy at all. You see high achievers expect way too much of themselves. I know I do & I’m months behind in my blog so don’t feel bad at all, not one bit. Love your blog!
I can so relate to a lot of what you said Lorraine!
Oh and I love the pot rack
Looks great all clean and pretty!
Hi Lorraine! I really love your sense of humor! I had a great time reading your post!
I am glad that you share the tip of using a chandelier spray for cleaning other stuff, too! It have never crossed my mind to use my chandelier spray and it is a great cleaning idea! I have a ceiling fan and some hanging hanging and wall racks that need to be cleaned!
Thanks for for the lovely post!
Please tell me where you got your pan rack from. I have been scouring the internet and antique shops for a year and cannot find one I like! Yours is beautiful!
I just cleaned my wrought iron pot rack that has a painted surface with solution made with Simple Green. A yellow substance came off on the rag and keeps coming off even as I wipe it with a wet cloth. I am wondering if that was grease (I do sear meat a lot) or the paint/finish. I wasn’t sure if I should keep cleaning it if it is grease or leave it alone. Mine too had a dust stuck to it.