2012- Down The Drain

New Year….
New Day….
New plans….
New adventures….

New always equals change….
Change is hard……and not always good…..but without change 
we’d be walking in circles chanting the Volga Boat Song…….right?

If you’ve followed me awhile you realize I was just a tad bit
by life last year….
I took more than one break from blogging….

I had a LOT of revelations during those breaks 
but the final kick in the old arse came recently 
when I was chatting with a family member….
I was discussing the pressure of coming up with things to post about and she, 
very kindly, 
told me there was nothing wrong with posting about something simple
and that there were people (like her) who were impressed with big projects like

cooking French food
re-making a common chair

that it was more than they could manage.
I wasn’t surprised at that information
I was surprised at the revelation about what could 
be my major issue with this blog
(who me?)
(can you hear my husband screaming “yes, yes yes”…?)

I decided I would take a sheet of paper and actually start writing ideas for what I could post about…
1. weaving rugs out of old Tshirts
2. writing hand script on the entire wall of the foyer
3. slipcovering my two (TWO) sofas with vintage matelasse
4. creating a LARGE lavender garden in that big sunny spot

OK…you can see I was having problems….
these are the ideas that keep me awake at night!!!
I’m a sick woman…..
I started over and came up with some simple things that I would never previously have thought to post about….
like cleaning my drains….
I do this all the time but I thought you might not know about it…
It’s especially nice for drains with garbage disposals because they can get stinky.
It’s also great for bathroom sinks because I have two girls with 
looooonnnng hair 
and I have 
looooonnng hair.
Unfortunately, you have to yank all the long hair out of the drain first, 
but then just proceed as normal

So, here is a simple idea that is also natural, 
using products in your pantry….

Cleaning Drains
Three products:

I don’t actually measure all this stuff 
but just in case you’re obsessive or something……

baking soda about 1 cup

white vinegar about 1 cup
boiling water 1 kettle full

1. put the kettle on to boil
2. dump the baking soda down the drain

Don’t do the next step until your kettle has come to a boil…
when it has, turn it off and then
pour in the vinegar…

it will bubble all up out of the drain and then go back down…
all that bubbling is loosening stuff in there..

when the bubbling stops, pour in the boiling water

yes, the whole thing…
done…clean drain…

If it’s your first time 

(I’m sure you’ll look back on it fondly…as we all do)

you may need to repeat the process…especially if it’s a bathroom sink…
they tend to have LOTS of sticky stuff in there…
soap, makeup, hair products, toothpaste

OK…..simple enough?


  1. Well now you’ve done it. You’ve gone and TAUGHT me something – LOL. I’ve done the vinegar and baking soda. I’ve done boiling water from time to time. But, I never knew that the magic combination was all three together. Think I’ll try that today!

    I’m trying to keep it simple on my blog, too… today, I blogged about mango marshmallows — really! Who knew? =)

    Have a great day! ~Sally

  2. Simple, but important. I’ve never tried this but I will next time our drains aren’t draining properly.

  3. Thank you for sharing this! Oh yes my daughters hair.And it’s not even that long!I am going to try this.Another thing I do to freshen up my garbage disposal is add bits of cut up lemon.It adds a fresh scent 🙂

  4. I think this is a perfect post. It’s something very useful and I will have to try. I’ve done the same thing about obsessing over my blog instead of just keeping things simple. I needed to read this today!

  5. And I am going to do this. You have to remember that while there are a lot of us bloggers, there are more non bloggers. And they come here too and need drain cleaning tips just as much as I do.


  6. I will definitely try this. My daughter has the thickest hair I have ever seen and it’s very long. It also likes to stick to the drain.

  7. Yes, simple posts are just as appreciated as those big ones! I am so happy you shared this. I use to have this recipe and I forgot exactly what it was. The other day the shower drain had a smell and I just dumped baking soda down it. Was wishing I remembered what it was. Pinning it to save.

  8. Great idea! I need to do this for sure, I always put citrus rinds down if I think the smell is “off” (eew, how gross).

    Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog!


  9. I’ve done this before, but can’t seem to remember to do it regularly. Silly me. By the way, I read somewhere of a blogger that just does this every time she cleans her coffee pot – uses the hot vinegar water from the coffee pot.

  10. I found this informative and interesting blog, so I think so its very useful and knowledgeable.

    Drain cleaning

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