I don't want to step on anyone's toes here because I can tell LOTS of people like wreaths. I am not a big fan of wreaths although I do use them occasionally. Maybe I got sick of them during the wreath craze of the 1980's. I used this one on my door this Spring. I like it because of several reasons..... it was made for me by my husband who … [Read more...]
Sprucing Up The Studio
I don't know about you but I have had one busy week! I have several projects in varying stages of completion but none ready for showing! Over the past few weeks I have rearranged my studio to better fit my work habits. What kind of creative spirit are you? I have a need for order to a degree or I don't accomplish much. But, I also am very … [Read more...]
King of Kings Ornament
The Christmas season is a favorite of mine. There are so many beautiful things about it. lights special foods gift giving beautiful music decorations family When my children were younger and I became a Christian, I was determined that they would not just think of Christmas as a big gift getting day but remember the greatest … [Read more...]
Paper Cone Wreaths

Today I am busy filling a couple orders for customers and wanted to share them with you. These paper cone wreaths have been very popular at the local shop I stock! It's a nice change from the repetitive Christmas and Hanukkah wreaths when I get a custom order. First is a paper wreath for a child's room. I love this idea for a vintage baby … [Read more...]
Happy Halloween Banner Tutorial!!

Halloween has never been a really big holiday to me, until about 10 yrs ago when we moved to this neighborhood. Each year, people drag out grills, tables and chairs and turn the street into one big party. It's a great way to get to know neighbors and it has made our street quite popular. One gal a few houses away used to set up a haunted yard with … [Read more...]
Fall Porch Sale
Continuing my posts leading up to my 2011 Fall Porch Sale... Goodness....it's 8:30 pm and I am just posting! I put in a 13 hour day today...painting a china cabinet and a tall five drawer chest, making another paper cone wreath, making 40 paper flowers for a wall hanging, glazing the spool bed and glazing the china cabinet. One run to Home … [Read more...]
Paper Cone Wreath Tutorial

I promised to finish the paper cone wreath tutorial....and you thought I forgot! I have been working all day on the upcoming sale but one of the things I needed to make was a paper cone wreath so I took pictures along the way for you. I did you a disservice yesterday with a raggedy quasi-tutorial so we'll do it right today. These wreaths … [Read more...]
New Beginnings
I think I have read this opening line in almost every blog I've viewed.... "I've never written a blog before...." .....sorry, you're reading it again! Oh well.... I guess I should let you know why this blog has been started. It is simply to save my sanity and the physical lives of those around me. Now THAT is certainly a much more … [Read more...]