What gorgeous weather we had over the weekend! And it’s supposed to continue all week!!!
A perfect end of the summer! We plan to hit the waterpark and the beach as much as possible this week.
I am a HUGE fan of Fall….it’s is my favorite season.
Nothing is better than warm sunny days ending in just a hint of coolness.
I love to open my doors and windows and let the fresh air in. I hate how air conditioning has created such isolation. But I, for one, don’t want to live without it….. sigh….life is often about trade-offs isn’t it?
This is a sight I haven’t seen for months…..
My porch doors…..WIDE OPEN!!!
I love how the only sounds I hear in the morning are birds….. and, at this time of year,….Canada geese honking as they fly overhead.
Later in the morning, boats will putt by and children’s voices will sound…..but right now…..quiet…. and that gorgeous, refreshing, wonderful breeze….
I live in a new “old” house…..we built it to look old but it isn’t. One of the things we really wanted to have was nice, heavy, solid wood doors that would close firmly and help with sound control.
One side effect of that choice is that I have had my life shortened considerably by a sudden slamming of one of those nice, heavy, solid wood doors whenever I have the windows open. I went out and purchased several of those rubber door wedges that have been around for years. However, in the downstairs bathroom, I have something else…..
Aunt Bessie’s Frog…….
Building a new “old” house was my husband’s way of avoiding the things about old houses that are annoying……inadequate electrical wiring, plumbing issues, constant repairs…etc. I am delighted however that in spite of his best attempts I have a few things that make me feel I’m in an older house….a few squeaky floors (about which I have threatened bodily harm if he tries to repair) and this bathroom door, which slowly drifts almost closed if not propped open.
Enter….Aunt Bessie’s Frog….
A face only a mother could love…..
Years ago, G’s mother decided to pare down her extensive pile of china, etc. She set up tables in the basement and laid out all the stuff she wanted to get rid of. We took turns going through and choosing one item at a time. It was nice and fair but she was dismayed that people were not fighting over the brown glass mug like things with the cowboy designs and wood handles…….
Of course, now that I have a vintage/antique business I know there is a market for cowboy stuff. But this was 1980 or something and I didn’t know anything.
I am pretty sure Aunt Bessie’s Frog was outside in the yard somewhere. Jump forward another two decades or so and they are once again paring down to move here to Virginia. We have built our house and the bathroom door problem has emerged.
In exasperation….G’s Mom says, “doesn’t ANYONE want Aunt Bessie’s Frog?”. Seriously….after a statement like THAT…..how could I resist?
And so…..Aunt Bessie’s Frog is now our bathroom doorstop.
At this time of year, I’ll hang a paper reminder that says
“Please put Aunt Bessie’s Frog back in front of the door when you leave”
Sincerely, The Management
Once, G’s Mom said…..”you could paint it and make it look better”…..
bless her heart, what this woman DOESN’T know about patina and vintage could fill a LARGE book.
I get some great stuff from her after she says “you want THAT?”.
How could I paint over this cute mossy frog butt? I ask you…..
OK…post finished….time to take the boys to a Dr appt….then the watermark!
Have a wonderful end of summer day!
A couple last pics of Fall’s arrival from my studio window….
Fading morning glories and drying hydrangeas…..
The morning glories have wound their way into the sweet potato vine pot….
You can just barely see the wire hanger trellis I made….
I need to get outside and cut some more hydrangeas!!
Have a wonderful day!!
Summer weather has just arrived on our part of the coast. I actually think September and October are the best beach days and now that I am retired, I can savor them.
I LOVE the frog and would definitely use it as a doorstop. We use a baby wooden penguin instead – the only one intact out of a set of 3. Papa penguin is falling apart and mama went long ago.
Carol recently posted…Burlap Basket
It just finally got HOT here! We’ve had a mild summer, but now the skin is melting off my face.
I can’t wait to be able to open the windows again.
And I need a frog. It’s way better than the platform sandal I usually use.
Andi recently posted…living room {the farewell tour part 5}
I think Aunt Bessie’s frog found the perfect place…. I love this time of year too. Love to open windows and doors…Enjoy and be blessed!
Oh- Yes- those heavy slamming doors. We have those, too. I have different door stops for each one! I had a wonderful Aunt Bessie! Glad you can have the house opened up- your view is gorgeous. It is in the 90’s here-hot and OH SO HUMID! Ugh- xo Diana
Nana Diana recently posted…LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE
I’m dreaming of fall…while I’m sweltering at 94 degrees with major humidity! I love Aunt Bessies mossy-but frog!
Danni@SiloHillFarm recently posted…Fall Recall for Y’all!
Great post and story!! You can’t paint Aunt Bessie’s frog, what is mom thinking???? It takes a lot of effort to get something looking that good.
Cynthia recently posted…For the Love of a Pillow
I live for the days when we can open the windows…they are few and far between around here.
Hang in there morning glories! I’m wondering how many times you’ve stubbed your toe on your frog prince???
Tina recently posted…Come on over!
It has been gorgeous here too…but it is said that it will get back to the high 80’s and 90’s by the weekend :(…Love Aunt Bessie’s frog….my parents had one similar made from in a iron foundry that was close to my dad’s hometown…my sister is now taking care of the frog…an old family friend…as yours is…
Shirley@Housepitality Designs recently posted…Birdcage Vignette
Oh how I wish I could throw open my doors and windows!! I’m so jealous!! It’s still upper 90’s here and humid!! Love Aunt Bessie!! Enjoy the waterpark!~~Angela
Angela recently posted…Giant Jenga Game!
I don’t think I’d ever want to leave your fabulous sun porch! Your morning glories are fading and mine are just starting to bloom. We only have a few weeks of bloom time before the frost gets them.
I love your swivel curtain rod in your bathroom, and Aunt Bessie’s frog, too.

Vickie recently posted…Detour.
I could stare at images of your home all day Lorraine – it’s so spectacular!!!
Love your little frog too – are you the princess?
Suzan recently posted…The Grossest post I’ve ever written………………
Love Aunt Bessie’s frog. He is a prince of door stops. I love the day I can tell summer just changed to fall. It is something in the feel of the air.
From these peeks at different rooms of your house in your posts, I have to say I’m intrigued, Lorraine. The first picture shows a gorgeous view ~ the porch and beyond. I’d love to see more. : ) We had our gorgeous days a couple of weeks ago. Just that hint of Fall in the air in the mornings and it stayed cool all day. Now we are back to hot and humid. I am looking forward to the cooler temps arriving and staying for awhile. I’m hoping we have some Fall to enjoy and we don’t just go from hot to cold. I feel like we get cheated on a real Spring as it is!
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