I had something different planned for today’s post….
Then I went outside to water some plants and was struck by how beautiful the hydrangeas were….I had to show you…
They looked as good last year but I just love them so much I can’t stop showing them off!
They have grown so huge this year thanks to the slow Spring we’ve had….
It was a bit later than I would normally take pics so there is a lot of sun, but it could be raining tomorrow so I shot anyway!
That window is my office/studio so I look right out on them and it is such a joy!
The blossoms are large and so varied in color…even on the same plant.
My brother and sister-in-law have bought a new house and I’ve promised her some plants this Fall….
I always have new bushes shooting up.
Nothing looks very good in the yard this year because I have just not tackled it yet….except the hydrangeas….my old reliable…
This last pic is amazing! All I did was adjust the size and sharpen it a bit….it looks JUST like that!
I don’t do anything to help them…honestly. They are in sun most of the day and they get a good soaking in the morning from the soaker hoses in the bed. We also put mulch down each year, although we didn’t this year. Sometimes in the hot summer I give them some extra water because they can look droopy. That’s it.
Just wonderful aren’t they?
Hope you have a lovely day…….
So pretty! I’m waiting on mine to bloom
Love your grounds!! xo Kristin
Kristin @ bliss-athome.com recently posted…And the Blog-O-versary Giveaway Winner is…
OH they are so pretty! Thank you for sharing.
Tina recently posted…What To Do With . . .Ugly Shower Rods
Wow…I love love love hydrangeas! I only have one right now, and I only get a couple blooms on it each year, but I plan (hope) to plant LOTS at our new place…I shall aspire to meet your standards…!!! Gorgeous!!!
Andi recently posted…my piles….gone
Yes…it’s pretty hard to get up to my level of neglect…..
Just beautiful! You can post these beauties every year!! You must have just the right soil or something….or a green thumb!
Eileen recently posted…Dress Form Ball, Oh My!!!
I vote for the soil, not the thumb for sure…..Thanks!
Your hydrangeas are gorgeous. I can never tire of viewing these beauties. I am enjoying mine this season too. They will never get this big in Texas, but thankful the blooms I do have. Thank you for sharing. I love to paint them too.
Celestina Marie recently posted…Knowing When~
Are yours planted in the ground or in pots? I hear tell (THAT sounds Texan don’t it?) you can’t grow them down there!
Holy cow your hydrangeas look amazing! Well if you don’t do anything then they are just in the perfect spot!Mine have not bloomed yet here.But it is still quite chilly.Hope it warms up soon!
Anne recently posted…Summer In The Kitchen Fruit Parfait
According to the books…they are getting too much sun but I can’t argue with performance….so SOMETHING is working!
The hydrangeas looks so beautiful and full of life!! I would love to have some of them in my home.
I ♥ hydrangeas.
Bliss recently posted…So ‘Ya Wanna Aerate Your Lawn?
Holy Moly, Lorraine- Those are fabulous-just gorgeous! Do you cut them back every year? They are beautiful!!! xo Diana
Nana Diana recently posted…A Message From My Daughter -SweetCheeks Mom-To My Readers
Holy Moly is right! They are outside my office window and I can’t get enough of them! makes me QUITE unproductive!
We have hydrangeas too and hoping that this year is a good one due to the slow spring. Lovely garden you have! :o)
Larissa ~ Prodigal Pieces recently posted…Peonies and Painting
They are gorgeous! I would have to visit them every day if they were mine. They are one of my favorites, and mine are not doing well this year at all. It’s been too hot too soon.
Wow!Gorgeous Lorraine! I wish I had some. They are my favorite and I can’t seem to keep them.
Seriously…you should be able to grow them there Deneen. I bet you’re being too nice to them. Keep an eye out for my new E Book, “Neglectful Gardening: A Guide For The Kindhearted”….LOL
Oh yes!!!! I’ve heard that to get the blue color takes a bit of effort. You truly have a green thumb!
Laura Ingalls Gunn recently posted…Remnants of the Past
How gorgeous Lorraine – OMG – they’re just stunning – I’d be sitting out there ( and working out there ) all day long!
I can’t get my hydrangea’s to grow in our current place – it’s pitiful actually – I get one or 2 ” heads ” and jump up and down in glee – probably go right over the edge if they sprouted like yours!
Suzan recently posted…How the brain of a furniture painter ticks…………
Beautiful…we have tried to grow these for years, they just die out. Yours are gorgeous!
Oh my! I love hydrangea’s and I don’t own a single one! I guess I didnt’ think I’d be here in this place long enough to see them bloom….and yet…11 years later..I’m still here. I’d better get some or move soon!
Danni@SiloHillFarm recently posted…JUST A COUPLE OF THINGS….
Your hydrangeas are GORGEOUS and I’m envious.
Mine usually struggle regardless of how much I feed or water or mulch. This year, because of the cooler temps and more rain, they’re doing better. I love your photos which show them next to the gray siding and white fence of your house
Popping over from Confessions of a Plate Addict.
Those hydrangeas are beautiful. I have a three year old Monrovia endless summer myself which I did prune back the first year, mistake?! And it’s still so small. This year I just snipped off the brown old growth. Last year it did not bloom at all…not once. So somethings wrong. I too have mine planted in full sun. Guess I’ll just have to look at yours lol… good job.
I definitely have hydrangea envy. None of my plants are that large and I so envy the blue/green flowers
Hi Lorraine! I too have hydrangea’s but I trimmed them the first 2 years (oops) but last year got 1 bloom!!! However, I believe they need to be trimmed a certain way and only in April or May. Wish me luck that mine will one day be as beautiful as yours!!!!
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