Pink And Cream Desk

To my new home at Word Press!!

A big Shout Out to Kristi of Linauer Designs for U-Hauling me over here!
It was SO easy…all I did was paint my kitchen and drink coffee while she slaved away at the computer!
Then I strolled in and sat down…
If only EVERY move could be like that!

I’m sure there will be some changes over the next week or so as I decide what I want to do…..
I didn’t get a blog re-design because I love my pics of me in the header….

I was SO MUCH smaller then!!

I think it was the only time in my WHOLE life that I wore a size 5!!

I’m going to do my best to adjust to the new format but so far

(a whole 5 minutes)

it’s just like writing in Blogger….just typing away….

We’ll see how a picture works…..let’s see what I have for you….
This is a client piece I recently finished….VERY cottagy…just what she wanted…..
A plain brown, blah desk….to this…..

desk 1


She sent a picture of a desk she had seen…nowhere to be found, unfortunately….

desk 2


So you’ll have to take my word for it……they came out like twins….


desk 3


Very girly! I lined the drawers with an art deco paper I found at Home Goods…..


desk 5


I couldn’t believe how well it matched the pink I had already chosen…


desk 6


This is one of my spray paint projects….yes…spray paint…

I see you out there with your half full cans of Annie Sloan and CeCe Caldwell and La Craie… one hand

and pitchforks and torches in the other……

I feel like Frankenstein in his last hours…or maybe Frankensteins wife…I do have a patch of grey…but I gave up on the beehive thing because the sawdust kept sticking to all that Aqua Net….

Sometime I’ll tell you my little spray paint method which results in this great distressed look….

But not today….I have to lie down….

This move may not have exhausted me physically but I’m am emotional wreck….

See you Monday……


  1. Hi Lorraine. Love the desk. I have a dresser with those drawer pulls and wondered if I would have to update them, but as I can see here I don’t have to. You made them look fabulous! Please share with us your method soon! Your client will be ecstatic!

    • Miss Flibbertigibbet says:

      Thanks! Yes, she really did love it…she jumped up and down and gave me a hug! Now THAT’S the kind of client reaction I like! LOL Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  2. Love the desk, Lorraine! Yes, when you are over your emotional drainage please share your spray paint technique. I haven’t spray painted all Winter, except for a couple of higher temp days and am looking forward to it again for those quicker projects. Happy Easter!

    • Miss Flibbertigibbet says:

      Thannks so much! The move was actually easy because i didn’t get a blog re-design as well. Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  3. Congrats on your move, Lorraine- that does take courage, doesn’t it? You sailed through it beautifully it looks like. That piece turned out great-even with the spray paint…crazy…..great…..xo Diana

    • Miss Flibbertigibbet says:

      Thanks! It actually was easy in hindsight, probably because I didn’t get a blog redesign but just a simple move over. I’ll be sharing the spray paint method I use a bit later. Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  4. Looks great! I love it!

    • Miss Flibbertigibbet says:

      Thanks, I still have a lot to learn but it was super easy because I didn’t change anything in the design. Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  5. Congrats on the move. I want to hear about this spray paint method and how you work it out to get others to do your dirty work on the computer. Sounds grand. Hope you enjoy your new home.

    • Miss Flibbertigibbet says:

      Thanks so much! I will be sharing that info soon…I’ve actually been hesitant because of all the crazed chalk painters out there but it’s easy and I’ve been using spray paint for years because it’s so durable! Oh it’s simple to get people to do stuff for you…all you need is $$$$…although the simple move was not expensive.I have a lot to learn but I have to say, so far it’s very straightforward and easy.
      Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  6. So pretty! Loving your new blog!

  7. Your new blog looks fabulous! and I adore that PINK!!

    Great job on the dresser – happy Easter!

  8. Love the new look although I still get tongue-tied saying your blog name…lol. The desk looks amazing:)

  9. Blog looks great! Kristi has to be a pro at this ~ I’ve heard many horror stories of moving and hesitate to do so.

    The dresser is fabulous!


  10. Hi Loraine, Gorgeous desk you redesigned for your client. Love it and the drawer linings too.
    Your new blog home is beautiful and looks great. So glad it was an easy transition. Hope you get rested up and back to share your spray painting technique.
    Happy Easter. Hugs, CM

  11. Hi Lorraine, I think I’m out of the club again. You’re back to no-reply when you comment at my place. Ah well…I enjoyed hearing about your mannequin fun. Oh, how I wish I could find one. If I do, I’m going to be sure to put mine in the trunk and let the bagboy take out my groceries for a change just to see the look on his face. I look forward to seeing what you will do with yours.

  12. So THAT’s why you are no-reply now! (I bet) Have your computer slave fix that for you dear!
    The dresser looks great. I’m partial to pink.

  13. Glad to hear that you had a successful move. That dresser is really unique looking! I love the old distressed finish you gave it. Can’t believe that was created with spray paint!


  1. […] don’t use pink often. I did that desk makeover for a client using pink though and it was so cute that I decided I would do something in pink the […]

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