Summer Starfish Door Decor

I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes here because I can tell
LOTS of people like wreaths.
I am not a big fan of wreaths although I do use them occasionally.
Maybe I got sick of them during the wreath craze of the 1980’s.
I used this one on my door this Spring.
 I like it because of several reasons…..
 it was made for me by my husband who yanked vines down when he went hunting many years ago, twisted them up and presented me with several heavy thick, cool looking wreaths,
and because it’s not round. 
So, it’s interesting!
Remember Eclectically Vintage’s umbrella? LOVE!
Anyway, yesterday I did show you my copycat vintage life ring which was my take on a Summer wreath…..
and today I did this….


Here’s how it works.
Now this is not an exact science here, and you get the benefit of my 
learning experience!
I started with this
You can buy this heavy vinyl by the yard at some fabric shops
I was in Wal-Mart, there it was, so I bought it.
It was $9.99.
I have some other ideas for it so I didn’t mind buying the big piece.
I cut out a big starfish shape
(really a big star with rounded tips)
out of some brown paper first in case it was too small, too big, uneven….
you know, all the stuff that can go wrong….
I traced it onto the plastic and cut it out.
Double the plastic…you need two…
Next, you’ll sew them together but 
before sewing the two together, cut a slit in one of them 
so you can put your stuff in after they’re sewn together.
Don’t panic if you forget, do it afterwards, it just might not be as neat but it will still work.
OK, ready to fill ‘er up?
Gather your supplies.
I used, sand, starfish, shells and brown grassy stuff.
I’ve had it for years so I don’t really know what it is but you can use the gray
Spanish moss too.
 I think that would look just fine.
I learned, after I filled and emptied the whole thing…
that you need to use some hot glue to secure your shells, etc where you want them.
Put the glue on the shell and slide it in carefully, attaching it to the front piece.
If you don’t do this, when you put the sand in, it covers your item up and you can’t see it.
Gluing it to the front piece keeps it showing better.
As I said, this is not an exact science so you just have to fiddle around with it.
I will tell you that the sand is heavy and using the Spanish moss to fill in the points and elsewhere helps hold things in place and reduce the weight.
I think it would be pretty filled with just shells and moss too…be creative!
I’ll try and explain this as best as I can….
You’ve glued the pieces in, added some Spanish moss and added some sand.
Hold it up and see how it looks. 
If your pieces seem to be staying where you want them, then lay it on it’s face,
 fill in the top point with moss and sand and then stuff the back firmly with wads of moss.
Put some clear packing tape over the slit, flip it over and take a look.
Hold it up by the top point and see if you can keep everything in place.
If the sand starts going all to the bottom, then you need more packing 
to hold things where you want them.
Turn it back over, take off the tape and do whatever you need to do.
I hope that helps!
When you have it the way you want make a hole at the top with scissors
Take a loop of rope, tie a knot and push the loop through the hole,
 leaving the ends hanging on the front.
I couldn’t find my deckle edge scissors this morning,
 but I will and I’ll trim the bit of marker you see off with those….
so you do that.
Separate the ends of the rope to make a tassel effect.


Here are some more shots….
Here it is hanging from an iron hook next to the front door.
And on the door…..


It’s different….I like that……
Do you?
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  1. Why arent you smart! This leads to so many ides! Thanks for sharing! It looks so great on your doors!

  2. So cute!!! Looks great for the summer.Or at a beach house all they year round.I have a vintage umbrella on my door too.Have a great weekend.

  3. Very COOL Miss F!!!! : ) I LOVE IT and thanks for sharing this extremely CREATIVE piece with us all!!! sending hugs to you and yours : )

  4. wow! Your starfish wreath is amazing. It’s such a clever idea.


  5. Seriously?????? Mrs. F., that is so darn cute. This one gets my TDC praise…… Too Darn Cute! Pinning too, and I might try my hand at one.


  6. Well, That is REALLY cute. Nothing wreathy about it at all- yes…I know that wreathy is NOT a real word. You did a great job! xo Diana

  7. So cute and very clever of you! Nice job!

  8. That is so unique & different…I love it!

  9. Who would think of using plastic? I wonder what else you could put in it. I love the beach theme, but you could put fake snow in it for the holidays. Oh, now you have me thinking. Such an original idea.

  10. Very clever idea! I was thinking of a variety of mini chocolate candy bars, but then I’d just end up cutting it open and eating them. :@

  11. Now that is a very unique door decoration. I don’t even consider it a wreath since it isn’t round. I love it! I have to agree with you about wreaths. I’m not a huge fan of them either except during Fall and Christmas. The 80’s sort of over did it for me too. Remember the ones with the raffia ribbon tied in a bow? They were EVERYWHERE at every festival and craft fair. Ha!

  12. Love your creation for the front door! You hit a home run with this!

    I’m not a huge fan of wreaths either but this year I did put a round white one on my front door. Hmmmmm I’m going to have to really think outside the box and come up with something for your hot summer party! What is the criteria for linking up? Any projects? Preferably outdoor projects. I’m going to have to take another summer vacation just to catch-up with all the fantasitc blogs out in cyberspace!

  13. Lorraine, this is awesome! I’m pinning it now!

  14. This is brilliant. How do you come up with stuff like this? Very fun and different! We are still without power since Friday. It’s going to be a long week…our mayor said it could be July 7th before all power is restored.

  15. Loved your starfish and have it Pinned – from the Pin party!

  16. OH! That is such a cute idea! Love it! I have pinned it.

  17. This is one of the most original idea I have seen in a long time. Love it, pinning it!
    Blessings, Ginger

  18. I love all things nautical and beachy, so this one fits in perfectly! Great idea, I’m not a wreath doer either, so this would definitely be a great idea! I found you via the pinning party and will be adding a pin!

  19. What a unique idea………..I do like it, sort of neat that you can have your beachy look yet it is protected from the elements, and hopefully you can keep it like that for as long as you want.

    Blessings, Nellie

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